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Chapter 1-Tools of Geometry


  • Understands supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles. Understand angle relationships; parallel lines cut by a transversal, angle sum and exterior angles of a triangle.

  • Is skilled at drawing polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices. Understands how to use coordinates to find the length of a side joining points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate.

  • Understands using coordinates to find perimeter of polygons and areas of triangles and rectangles. Understands using simple geometric theorems on a coordinate plane.

Chapter 2-Reasoning and Proof


  • Understand theorems and multi-step reasoning to prove relationships in triangles, lines and angles and parallelograms.

Chapter 3-Perpendicular and Parallel Lines


  • Understands supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles. Understand angle relationships; parallel lines cut by a transversal, angle sum and exterior angles of a triangle.

Chapter 4-Congruent Triangles


  • Understand theorems and multi-step reasoning to prove relationships in triangles, lines and angles and parallelograms.

This year we will start by covering the basics of geometry, including lines, rays, segments, and angles.  Next we will be introduced to multi-step reasoning and proofs in geometry.  We will then cover angle relationships, perpendicular, and parallel lines.  Following that we will begin polygons, starting with triangles, and moving into quadrilaterals, dealing with trasformation, similarity and congruency of each.  We also cover area, perimiter, and volume, as well as an introduction to trigonometry.  Lastly we will learn about circles, specidically inscribed angles, radii, chords, arc lengths, and sectors.

3 ring-binder with separators and tabs

  • Vocabulary

  • Bookwork

  • Handouts

Pencils & Erasers

Calculator (if you have one)

What will we learn?
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