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Chapter 1-2


•MA.02.AIF Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to each input (domain) exactly one output (range). Understand the concept behind rate of change, and initial value for a linear function with regards to the given situation it models.

•MA.01.AIF Understand function notation and the domain of a function.

•Math MA.07.AIF Understand key features of graphs and tables in a functional relationship between two quantities.

•Math MA.08.AIF Understand the relationship between the equations and the graphs of Linear and Absolute Value Functions

Operations on polynomial functions, factoring and solving quadratic equations, interpreting key features of graphs by hand and using technology, understanding relationships between equations and graphs (linear, absolute value, quadratic, square root, exponential growth and exponential decay), building new functions from existing functions, rational exponents, complex numbers, random sampling, data distribution, and an introduction to basic probability.

What will we cover?
What do I need?

Three-Ring Binder with Loose Leaf Lined Paper 

Pencils & Erasers

Graphing Paper


Graphing Calculator, either a TI-83 or TI-84

(strongly recommended)

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